Keeping Pure
March 20, 2018 | By Chuck
"How can a young man keep his way pure"(Psalm 119:9)? That's the question of this generation. What advice do we give our young people on keeping themselves pure? What methods do we encourage them to practice as they navigate through this impure world all the while striving to remain pure? I'll ask you veteran Christian. How do you keep yourself pure? These questions are extremely relevant and pertinent for us today, because our world is not only impure but is also promoting all impurity. Fortunately for us the Psalmist answers his on question in that same verse. "By guarding it according to your word"(Psalm 119:9). Every Christian on the planet, young and old, male and female must guard their way by using God's Word. The Bible isn't simply a tool that is to be used on Sunday in Bible class and worship. The Bible is God's tool used to guard and shape our way in this life. If we will study God's Word and put it into practice, we will keep ourselves pure even in the midst of an impure world. The knowledge of God's Holy Scriptures gives us the wisdom and strength to keep our way pure. "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you"(Psalm 119:11).