"Are You Drifting?"
July 15, 2024 | By Chuck
I can remember plenty of fishing trips where I was so involved in fishing that I did not realize how far the boat had drifted. We did not need a paddle or a motor for the boat to drift. We did nothing to help the boat drift, it just slowly drifted with the current. It was surprising how far we drifted in a short period of time. Drifting requires no effort at all.
My question is are you drifting spiritually? Christians can easily get so caught up in careers, family responsibilities, and activities that we begin drifting spiritually. Church attendance may still be a priority, but you know the order of worship, the words of the songs, when and why we do communion, and when it is time for the sermon. My point is, we can all go through the motions of our well-known routine and all the while be drifting. Drifting is when we are just going through the motions. We are there physically, but our heart is not in it. I think Christians need to take a long and honest evaluation of where we are spiritually.
How can you know if you are drifting spiritually? It really boils down to your desire. Is your desire to study the Bible and pray diminishing? How is your prayer life? Do you only pray when something is wrong? Do you feel a decreasing desire to be with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Is the worship assembly more about checking a box than the joy of praising our Lord with our family? These are a few indicators that you might be drifting spiritually.
“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” (Hebrews 2:1)