The Skinny Cabotcocyg Newsletter 74
April 23, 2019
Important News
ENTRY PARTY - The entry party will consist of meeting at the church at 3:00, going over to Urban Air in Conway, and then heading back up to church for dinner at 6:30pm and then I will have a meeting with the parents. We will be done at 7:30pm. The cost is $20 (need based scholarships available). This is when your teen is considered in the youth group. Go to and fill out the online waiver before the trip. There are also physical copies at the Welcome Center that can be filled out and put in the Teen Mailbox behind the Welcome Center.PURITY TALK - On Sunday May 19 and 26 the teens will split up guys and girls and we will be talking about issues of purity, modesty, and lust. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask. I will be teaching the guys and Tessa the girls.
4/28 - Outside the Walls
5/5 - Senior Graduation Service (and devo for families of graduates and for all teens)
5/5 - Mexico Meeting 3:30-4:45
5/17 - High School Graduation - I'll take a group who wants to go
5/26 - Combined AM Service
5/26 - Church Cookout PM
6/1 - 7th Grade Entry Party/ Summer Kick-off
July 21-25 - Highway Mission Trip - *notice date change*
Sunday Morning
Junior High - T. J. Davidson
Ya Know - Apologetics (1/3)
Much of our postmodern world today, does not believe in absolute truth. They believe truth is relative and what is true for you is not true for me. We all have our own truths. But the reality is, the truth of the matter is, There is TRUTH, with a capital 'T.? We don't get to decide what is true but we have to go find it and stand firm in it. This lesson will help us to realize that we can find truth and be confident in the truth
Senior High - Paul Killingsworth
The Bible and Science (1/3)
Paul will be talking about the relationship between the Bible and Science. This is such a pressing issue today with our teens. We want to prepare them as they enter the next phase of their life to be able to have a strong faith.