The Skinny Cabotcocyg Newsletter 73

April 16, 2019

Important News
College Graduates   -   Let us know about any who are graduating from college or graduate degrees from our church so we can recognize them during our Senior Graduation Service on May 5.

SPRING SING   -   We will meet at the church at 5pm, go out to Larry's Pizza beforehand (bring your own money) and then go up and watch the show at Harding.  We will get back around 10:30 or so. 

6TH GRADE PARENTS   -   I want to get a list of emails of parents of 6th graders so I can add you to my youth ministry email list.  I will be sending out important information about upcoming summer activities.  Please contact me and give me your email address so I can add you to my list.  Thanks!

Upcoming Events
4/19 - Spring Sing - 5-10:30
4/21 - NO PM Service
4/28 - Outside the Walls
5/5 - Senior Graduation Service (and devo for families of graduates and for all teens)
6/1 - 7th Grade Entry Party/ Summer Kick-off

July 21-25  -  Highway Mission Trip - *notice date change*

Wednesday Night
Chuck Ball (3/3)
This week we are starting a series called "Deep Waters."  This is a series about how to deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and all the many pressures of being a teen.  This week we are talking about "God Cares during your Hard Times."

During these lessons by Chuck, teens might be more willing to talk about emotional struggles they are having.  I would really encourage you to watch this 12 minute video   It is specifically about suicide but many of the things he says can be applied to other hard times teens are having.  This is such a serious issue if there is anything I can do for your family please let me know.

Sunday Morning
Junior High - T. J. Davidson
The Story (5/5)
This is a part of our on going series in Junior High where we go through the entire Bible in 31 lessons.  This week we are looking at the rise of King David.

Senior High - Gary Bulice
1 Corinthians (5/5)
Gary will take the Senior High through a quick overview of the book of 1 Corinthians.