"Why The Church?"

February 24, 2021 | By Chuck

I’m sure there are many in our modern culture today who wonder, why the church? Countless on-lookers must be asking the question, what’s the point? Why do people of all ages, races and backgrounds see the church as significant? Honestly, why bother with the Sunday morning routine of attending Bible class and worship? Why do people make it a point to return to the church building on Wednesday evening during the middle of a busy week? What’s the draw? I think there are many who aren’t associated with the church who curiously want to know, why the church?
Sure, the church is our vehicle to eternal life in heaven with God, as He adds us to His church at baptism. (Acts 2:38, 41) But, when it comes to why people are drawn to the church, there is more. The church is a family support system. Few pass through this life without some kind of support system. If it’s physical family or friends, most people have a support system they look to and rely on throughout the different phases of life. The church loves her own, protects her own and encourages her own. So many are drawn to the church because the church provides a loving support system that we all need.
“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you- that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Rom.1:11-12).