"I Need The Church"

September 21, 2021 | By Chuck

I need the church; I just do and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  I can’t begin to imagine going through this life without the church.  This world is filled with negativity and temptations, so I need the church.  The church keeps me grounded and centered on what matters most.  The church keeps me motivated to remain faithful to the Lord no matter my circumstances.  The church encourages me to keep preaching when I’m discouraged.  I need the church because the church is the spiritual air, I breathe each day. 

            The reality of the situation and truth of the matter is that you need the church too.  We all need the church.  We live in a bi-polar world full of ups and downs, so we need the church to steady and recenter us.  School age kids and teenagers spend so much time trying to find a place to fit in.  Who can blame them, since we all desperately want a place to belong?  We all want our people, a family and group that will love us in spite of our imperfections.  The church is that family who will love us always and be there for us no matter what. 

            When you are discouraged and begin to question God, you need the church.  When life is hard and you’re not sure if you’ll make it, you need the church.  When your marriage is in trouble and your family is struggling, you need the church.  My friend, in every and all circumstances of life, you need the church.  After all of this, I question how we can pack a football stadium in freezing temperatures and can’t fill a church building on Sunday.  We all need the church. 

            “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:11-12).