"Hope Has A Name"

February 10, 2021 | By Chuck

Where is your hope? What does hope look like to you? Does your hope come from a little extra money in the account? Is your hope found in the security of your career? Or, is your hope found in your retirement fund? All of these things are great and helpful in this life, but any hope they provide is only temporary.
I want you to know that hope has a name and it’s Jesus. It’s sad and pointless to place your hope in anything or anyone other than Jesus. When one’s hope is in this life, his situation is in fact hopeless. True hope that lasts beyond this life and for eternity is only found in Jesus. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (Jno.16:33).
We will deal with things in life that we aren’t prepared for. We will face hardships that we never considered. Satan will make sure our life has plenty of heartache and hard times. No matter how difficult life becomes, we must know that there is hope in Jesus. Jesus is our hope because He has overcome this fallen world. On this journey to eternity, the temptation is to put hope in the people and things that mean the most to us, but true lasting hope is only found in Jesus. “Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Psalm 146:5).